23 reviews

Seven Springs Golf Course

marker Champion, Pennsylvania


23 reviews
Mike Doran

It's obvious staff and budget were significantly reduced. Greens have been 'scalped' and have dead spots especially along the edges from cutting too much length at one time from falling behind on maintenance. Same with tee boxes, #8 in particular is almost totally bare. Greens are also rock hard, high wedges take 3 or 4 bounces forward. Finally, they were 30 minutes behind on tee times, our 11:56 time became 1230. Just not enough staff to awareness to keep people on time and keep them moving. This place has fallen a long way from where it was.
Stephen Junker

Great condition and perfect alternative for the hot weather. Always 10F cooler than the city -- it's a great escape.
Jay Nation

Good people that work at the course.
Erik Doran

Less than impressed. Used to be better. Maintenance is at an all time low. There are lots of courses un better condition out there.
Eric Curry
