11 reviews


marker Mt Clemens, Michigan


11 reviews
Kevin Graczyk

Kevin Perry

Just walked by this locale many times but just been inside once I believe. Think of a DDA friend who might be in that office. I'll check and walk by soon to find out. Good times remembering a driving range in Kzoo with college buds, Twn with bud and with pops in Roseville.
Jason Budnick


Great deals and just wish that GroupGolfer would provide some possible method for goods to be shipped to Canada, even if doing so means that ANY & ALL shipping costs must be paid by the buyer. Apparently, this used to be possible, but there were too many issues. One solution is to update the FAQs about 'internationally shipped items', stating that ANY & ALL shipping costs must be paid by buyers from Canada. At the moment, the FAQ states that goods will be shipped internationally, which is actually not true.
gregory lawson

Been using them for years buy probably 20 a year best thing to do is before you buy go to golf courses web page to see the reviews given course to see if the course is kept up before you buy.