50 reviews

Atlanta Athletic Club

marker Johns Creek, Georgia


50 reviews
Mike Klug

Great experience. Staple to the Atlanta golf community.
Lilly Shloe

Their long course 50 meter pool provides an amazing training opportunity if you are a long distance swimmer. The pool is well managed with an accommodating attentive staff. The aquatics center is truly the best swim facility I have ever experienced anywhere.
Sabrina Allen

Members since forever ago! Love AAC
Byron Gilbert

Bobby Jones would be proud. I met two of the golf pros. This Club engages the community around it. I attended a morning lecture from a PhD. Emeritus in organic chemistry from Baylor with his detailed proof of God. He showed how with extremely minute variations in a handful of postulates, life would not exist. He sat next to me at the following breakfast. Big time. We wrestled with the philosophers proofs going each way. Science is doing its similar thing. Tennis and golf have brought this club into the national focus. Just walk through the place. I ran into Sen. Sam Nunn in the grill.
Shad Man

I put the shad in their ponds. Pretty cool.