50 reviews

Hot Springs National Park

marker Hot Springs, Arkansas


50 reviews
Linda Reberry

The staff was very knowledgeable and gave great tips. Highly recommend stopping there!
Dan Watson

Unfortunately it was closed due to COVID but they still had a ranger out on the porch handing out maps and providing info. Dont go up the mountain the first time without a map!There are also outdoor public bathrooms that are actually clean and dont smell bad.
Daniel May

I did a self guided tour and it was pretty cool. There was so much to offer regarding the history of bathhouses, Hot Springs, and the springs themselves. My favorite display was the early electric and exercise one up on the top floor.I love geology and rocks, so I really got a kick out of the basement display on the 4000yr journey of the Hot Springs water. The bathhouse row and Hot Springs city display was neat and very informative.Want to do it again.
J French

The Rangers were very nice and informative. I always talk to the Rangers to seek their advice and do their recommendations. They were exceptional. This is one of my favorite National Parks so far.

The park is beautiful at night. Quite a lovely place to just sit and relax.