4 reviews

White Mountain Historical Society

marker Springerville, Arizona


4 reviews
Trina Laudenslager

Very interesting and informative
Jim Bergstrom

My wife and I are considering a move to Springerville so we're doing all our research, much on foot. This park is an amazing place for such a small town. The fact that it exists speaks highly of the local townspeople who have great pride in their area's history. To think that several local pioneer families donated actual structures that were once their parent's or grandparent's homes for this display and historical park is impressive and touching. The Clay Hunter cabin that was this pioneer trapper and hunter's home from 1890 to 1950 is my favorite.....to imagine a solitary man living alone in the wilderness and finding his survival through hunting and trapping right up to modern times is amazing.
Rich Cettel

Good place
pat stahnke

They kicked my dog out