4 reviews

Valley of the Eagles Golf

marker Haines, Alaska


4 reviews
James Kirkley

John Griffith

One of my favorite golf memories! Well worth the trip for any golfer.
Alan Goldstein

I agree with the other review. Trading off real greens for some amazing, beautiful vistas is we worth it.
Claude Wells III

We were fortunate to have a great weather day. The fairways were dry and in pretty good shape with no mud. The views are incredible like no other. Obviously the greens are not great because they are not real but that was the only disapointment. We knew about that ahead of time. The couple that own this course are Great people and do an excellent job taking care of this place themselves. He is almost 86 years old and still does the work. I was very impressed and from some of the reviews we almost did not go. So glad we did! Incredible place to golf in Alaska. Unique experience worth the effort. Dont miss this one. You can golf anywhere with Great greens. This place is special. Put up with a few imperfections and enjoy the course and the Beautiful views! Claude and Susan Wells, Riverton, UT.